How VoIP Can Make a Difference to Present Education System?
VoIP is one of the most talked about technologies among businesses. It has been widely regarded for its ability to connect long distances for real-time communication. But, its ability to serve the education system is not often discussed. The present education system is trying to overcome several challenges. Among those challenges, geographical distance stands tall. Being an affordable and flexible communication system, VoIP can support the education system in eradicating this issue.

Here are a number of ways in which VoIP can make the present education system better:
1. Education Does Not Confine Within Classroom Walls
Merits of communication for education can never be overstated. Traditionally, the education was available within the classroom walls. Learner has to reach the education centers to learn. VoIP contradicts this concept. With the VoIP communication, education can simply be spread to any corner of the world. It ensures that willing students can witness the lecture running in other part of the world in real-time. Compared to the downloaded video sessions, VoIP gives cross-question ability to the students in the running lecture.
2. Getting Parents Involved in a Better way
Involving parents in education system can bring positive results, especially for the young school-level students. VoIP connectivity, which ascertains the high quality and instant communication between the various ends can a real booster for connecting teachers with the parents. This can help in discussing the performance of students instantly, which usually is ignored. This feature can further be enhanced by connecting students, advisors, teachers and parents altogether.
3. Better Teaching Staff Management
This benefit drives from the business-friendly nature of VoIP. Connecting teachers and other staff member (management, motivators, partners etc.) of the institute on the same network can prove vital help to improve the overall educational operations. The management of educational institute can gain a better efficiency and monitoring with the VoIP. VoIP can even connect the various branches of a school.
4. Virtual Textbooks
Virtual textbooks are earning appreciations for various reasons. They are affordable and easy to carry (within a few gram USB drive). With the assistance of VoIP, not only virtual textbooks can easily be shared but they also help in getting more multimedia education material.
Educators have not fully realized the advantage of VoIP in the classroom. It can easily bridge the socio-economical gap that has existed in various parts of the world. It can be the affordable education medium. Basic necessities such as compatible hardware might not fit every individual’s pocket. However, with the help aid of educations institutes, it may not be major concern.
VoIP can really help in long distance learning. Lot of places around the world have students willing to learn but not teacher willing to relocate nor the infrastructure capable enough of having a proper traditional educational environment. Open Schools with lectures communicated via VoIP can help these students give an opportunity to be able to make something out of their lives.
As a parent of 2 middle schoolers I have to say using VoIP devices in schools is a great idea. This would not only help me be a little more involved in the education of my children but would also let me interact with the teacher in order to make sure my kids are making the best out of their time in school.
What would be needed for a school to set up a system of VoIP devices? VoIP We have around 2000 students with around 50 classrooms. What would be the approximate cost incurred for our school to have a well-functioning VoIP infrastructure.
VoIP is essential for today’s students. Class sharing, participation in foreign language courses, interacting with world renown experts, organizing and conducting large scale seminars , etc. are a few of the educational benefits VoIP can provide.