Call Hunt

Call Hunt is a feature that can give special abilities of picking almost every incoming call. When someone calls you, it will ring your phone. If are not able to answer the call on your number, then another number will ring and so on it can ring five phones, if none answers the call. So, Call Hunt makes sure that it finds someone to hunt down the call. You can set five different phones on the phones on alert with this feature that may belong to you or colleagues, etc. If the call is not answered by any of the numbers enabled for hunt, the call will reach the voicemail.


Simple, Easy, and Effective

Hosted PBX from The Real PBX is laden with the features that give you maximum opportunity to pick the incoming calls. When you are busy on another call or away from the desk, the call will be moved to another number set by you. The feature sounds good. Isn’t it?

But there is more of goodness in call hunt feature. Not only you can choose the numbers that you want the call to ring on when not answered, but you can also select the sequence priority for the numbers to ring. This means that user has the control to decide the order in which the different phones will ring if the call is not answered first one.

To add more value to this feature, user can also customize the number of bell to be rung before the call is transferred to the next number. You can also set different number of rings for each number. All these features are offered in a very easy and user-friendly interface that takes no time at all for configuration.


The Real PBX values every call. We have worked on some innovative and effective ways to make sure that every call that comes to you is received without any hassle. Advanced ACD works in order to make the caller reach the desired destination quickly. Now, to ensure that you are aware to all the incoming calls, we have innovated features, like- Simultaneous Ringing Feature and Call Hunt Feature that gains best attention.

  • You can take the complete charge of all your inbound calls
  • You can use a single number and associate it with hunt groups
  • You can customize the settings like the individuals to be included in the hunt group, number of rings etc. according to your own satisfaction
  • People who have to travel a lot can take help of this feature and can answer calls at their own disposal.
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